Monday, November 21, 2011

Off Season

Well sort last post indicated some winter weather moving in, which did happen over the first 10 days of the month.  But this is Colorado and things change quickly.  After some large road rides we were able to return to the trail.

It is the off season though and I do enjoy a break from the bike.  My miles are way down from the 8 months of 400+ mile months.  Much of that time has been spent making pierogi's (a Polish dumpling) for Christmas eve.  Last year was the first year I had made them from scratch.  Decided to get an earlier start this year......

Potato cheese filling on these; in the background the squash I would use to make a sweet squash filling.

Filling on these is what I am calling a Polish meatball (polish sausage, kraut, and mushroom), with the dough on the right.

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