Monday, June 27, 2011

Been a While

Plan was to keep some regular posts going from our Moab trip, but work has been really busy and with training for the Bailey 100 I really haven't had much time.  Good news is the Bailey 100 went really well for me this year; I finished in 10:41 which was about a hour and a half faster than last year.

This past weekend was our annual Widespread Panic run at Red Rocks, which was a great time and a nice break from the bike.  I am around 6 weeks ahead in total mileage this year from last (right at 2,000) and overall feeling really strong.

Anyway here are some more pictures from Moab.....

Day 1 was an easy spin on the Moab Brand Trails

Day 2: Baby Steps > Klondike > Black Tape > Northern Sovereign

Day 3: Mag 7 > Blue Dot > Goldbar > Golden Spike > Variation > Moab

I forgot my camera on this day which sucked considering how much ground we covered....roughly 40 mile point to point ride through amazing country.

Day 4: Amasa Back > Pothole Arch > Rockstacker > Jackson's

And some shots from around camp....

Will keep up a little better now and post the remainder of the trip in the coming weeks.....