Well things are going to take a while to melt...so it was the road this weekend. 44 miles with 4,900 feet of gain. Hopefully soon we will be back on tail.
It has been cold...the kayak park, completely frozen.
It has been so cold on the Front Range...really all over Colorado and most of the country. Prior to more cold and snow coming in we headed down to GJ last weekend....it was still cold there, low 30's...but the trails were dry and the sun was out.
Ended up with 3 rides about 31 miles and 5,000 feet in vertical gain...not bad for December.
Day one Loma trails in Fruita.
Day 2 Lunch Loops Grand Junction....this was a new to us trail system. We haven't done any riding in this area for a couple years, as we always go to Moab. We will be back here, the trail system is amazing and some friends from Moab joined us, made for a great day. Techy stuff back there, didn't cover a lot of miles, but climbed 3,000K over 4.5 hours.
Day 3 we tried to go out to 18 Road and ride, but it had snowed right there and only there so we headed back to the Lunch Loops for a quick ride before heading home. Lakota joined us on this ride and he did really well with the temperature being in the 30's.
Well after some travel for work and weddings and some snow it was nice to spend the Thanksgiving riding the bike. Temps and weather were pretty nice all weekend with some warm days in the 60s and cooler days in the 40s. Pretty standard weather for Colorado.
I am now up to 190 days on the bike for 2009 and over 2,900 miles....hopefully I will get that 3,000 mile mark. I also cracked my frame and Yeti replaced it with the 2009 version; needless to say I have been enjoying riding a new bike.
Sarah riding with a dear up on North Table Mountain.
Well after all that snow about 24 inches in Golden and varied amounts up and down the Front Range, most of it is gone. With that we did a ride with some folks from the Golden Bike Shop down in Colorado Springs. We were lucky to have some CS locals to show us around.
Crazy thing is we had never ridden in the Springs before despite living here for 4.5 years. Just shows how much riding there is around here, we are continuing to ride new trail every year.
Sarah enjoying this little tunnel section in the trail. The group. Thing you see while riding in Colorado Springs...
Well we got the first big storm of the year...pretty early normally still riding this time of year.
Figure I will post some more pics from our last trip to Moab. The previous post are just pictures from the White Rim; we did two other rides, plus just hanging around at camp up at Sand Flats.
Went to Moab a couple weeks ago for some riding and camping; the main objective was to do the White Rim. I have been wanting to do the White Rim for a long time, but guided multi day trips are expensive....so why not ride the 105 miles in one day?
Overall the ride was amazing took us 12.5 hours finished in the dark...what a day.